Join Our Club

Mere Green Bowling Club welcomes members of all ages.

Why not try bowls for yourself by contacting us using the details below or just come along to one of our sessions on Monday mornings at 11am or Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm (March to September). You just need to wear flat soled shoes on the green.

If you then wish to join our club there is a one time small joining fee and an annual membership fee.

Special Offer!

For the 2024 season, new members can join our club without paying any membership fee (normally £95)

Register your interest now and come along next March to give us a try

To learn more and get involved email us at:

Or message or call Baz on

07843 684461

Or message us on Facebook:
Mere Green Bowling Club

Joined this club recently and everyone is so helpful and welcoming, I’ve had so much help from everyone especially Jenny and Bob, so supportive. It’s wonderful for me and my wife Carole who loves helping and supporting everyone as a team. So looking forward to next season Amazing club 👍👍